UX Walkthroughs

A User Experience (UX) Walkthrough is a technique used to identify usability and accessibility issues in a website or application. It is a procedure for examining a user interface following a set protocol and making assessments based on predetermined criteria. It emphasizes paired or collaborative evaluation of user interfaces by designers and non-designers alike, and serves to bring a diversity of perspectives to bear on the design process.

The UX Walkthrough technique is a synthesis of conventional methods (heuristic evaluation, cognitive walkthrough and code review) that enables the reviewer to make assessments both from the user's point of view and that of the designer. The multifaceted nature of the UX Walkthrough enables the reviewer to make assessments across several dimensions, including: general design quality, task-oriented usability, assistive technology usability, accessibility standards compliance, and code quality. A UX Walkthrough produces a result that reveals usability and accessibility issues effectively and efficiently.

A UX Walkthrough can be performed by novices as well as experienced evaluators. The result is a comprehensive and multidimensional report of usability and accessibility issues.


  1. Choose a user
  2. Specify an explicit user goal
  3. Prepare working software or prototype
  4. Choose an approach (for example, when testing a digital interface include screenreader users, keyboard-only users and users who have difficulty processing text)
  5. Plan both the Heuristic Evaluation and the Cognitive Walkthrough
  6. Perform the walkthrough and record the results

Please find more details about performing a UX Walkthrough at the following link: https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/User+Experience+Walkthroughs